In the previous post, I had figured out how to control the robot by sending commands through MATLAB.
The next step? Controlling the robot with a simulated neural network: I looked for MATLAB scripts with only a few neurons, and actually found a really nice one. Bonus: it’s customizable :).
I fiddled around with some code using the above function for a while based on the examples provided, and settled on this:
W = log(abs(randn(4))); [spk NetParams V] = SimLIFNet(W,'simTime',35,'tstep',1e-2,... 'offsetCurrents',1.1*ones(length(W),1)); v = round(V, 3);
Where the Title Comes In
I was trying to implement this, but then ran into the issue of sending larger numbers, or packets, to Arduino. I knew it was possible via XBee, but I wasn’t sure how to do it.
My initial idea was the set ‘start’ and ‘stop’ characters that I could use to surround digits to identify them as a single number. A very-long-story-short, it took me more than a couple hours to figure out, but this is what I came up with: