Good day!
This is the original code that I inherited, and that I’ve been using as a reference as I write code for the neurorobot_reboot. In particular, I really wanted to simplify, simplify, simplify, and use shorter (clearer) variables along with comments so the code as a whole is easier to understand. I hadn’t really done much fancy stuff beyond methods before, though, so inheriting this has taught me some cool new techniques, like how to create classes in Arduino. 😀
So I’m just going to paste it in…
//NEUROROBOT_ORIGINAL_CODE //#include <EnableInterrupt.h> // Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX); Serial 1: 19 (RX) and 18 (TX); // Serial 2: 17 (RX) and 16 (TX); Serial 3: 15 (RX) and 14 (TX). // External Interrupts: 2 (interrupt 0), 3 (interrupt 1), // 18 (interrupt 5), 19 (interrupt 4), 20 (interrupt 3), and 21 (interrupt 2) // PWM: 2 to 13 and 44 to 46 // SPI: 50 (MISO), 51 (MOSI), 52 (SCK), 53 (SS) // LED: 13 // I2C: 20 (SDA) and 21 (SCL) #define COMMAND_START '@' #define PARAMETER_SEPARATOR ':' #define PIN_LED 13 #define PIN_RIGHT_ENABLE 7 #define PIN_RIGHT_FORWARD 5 #define PIN_RIGHT_BACKWARD 6 #define PIN_LEFT_ENABLE 2 #define PIN_LEFT_FORWARD 3 #define PIN_LEFT_BACKWARD 4 //#define PIN_LEFT_ECHO 24 //#define PIN_LEFT_PING 23 //#define PIN_FRONT_ECHO 26 //#define PIN_FRONT_PING 25 //#define PIN_RIGHT_ECHO 28 //#define PIN_RIGHT_PING 27 #define PIN_RIGHT_ECHO 30 #define PIN_RIGHT_PING 29 #define PIN_FRONT_ECHO 32 #define PIN_FRONT_PING 31 #define PIN_LEFT_ECHO 33 #define PIN_LEFT_PING 34 #define PIN_HALL_R_A 44 #define PIN_HALL_R_B 45 #define PIN_HALL_L_A 46 #define PIN_HALL_L_B 47 #define SPEED_LIMIT 60 #define TURN_SPEED 120 #define RANGE_SHORT 25 #define RANGE_MED 35 #define RANGE_LONG 45 boolean DEBUG = false; class Command { public: int right_speed; int left_speed; Command() :right_speed(0), left_speed(0) {} void parseCommand() { while(char inchar = != COMMAND_START) {} right_speed = Serial.parseInt(); left_speed = Serial.parseInt();;//carriage return;//newline } }; class Motor { private: int pin_forward; int pin_backward; int pin_enable; int speed; public: Motor(int forward, int backward, int enable) :pin_forward(forward), pin_backward(backward), pin_enable(enable) { pinMode(pin_forward, OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_backward, OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_enable, OUTPUT); } void setSpeed(int speed) { if(speed > SPEED_LIMIT) speed = SPEED_LIMIT; if(speed < -SPEED_LIMIT) speed = -SPEED_LIMIT; if(speed > 0) { digitalWrite(pin_backward, LOW); digitalWrite(pin_forward, HIGH); analogWrite(pin_enable, speed); } else { digitalWrite(pin_forward, LOW); digitalWrite(pin_backward, HIGH); analogWrite(pin_enable, -speed); } this->speed = speed; } int getSpeed() { return speed; } }; class Robot { private: Motor motor_right; Motor motor_left; public: Robot(Motor right, Motor left) :motor_right(right), motor_left(left) { } void setSpeed(int right, int left) { motor_right.setSpeed(right); motor_left.setSpeed(left); } }; class PingSensor { private: int pin_echo; long ping_time; int pin_ping; void trigger() { digitalWrite(pin_ping, LOW); delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(pin_ping, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(pin_ping, LOW); } public: PingSensor(int ping, int echo) :pin_ping(ping), pin_echo(echo) { pinMode(pin_ping, OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_echo, INPUT); } void ping(); int distance(void) { return ping_time/29/2; } }; void PingSensor::ping() { trigger(); ping_time = pulseIn(pin_echo, HIGH, 3000); if(ping_time == 0) ping_time = 3000; } Motor rightMotor(PIN_RIGHT_FORWARD, PIN_RIGHT_BACKWARD, PIN_RIGHT_ENABLE); Motor leftMotor(PIN_LEFT_FORWARD, PIN_LEFT_BACKWARD, PIN_LEFT_ENABLE); Robot myBot(rightMotor,leftMotor); Command incoming; PingSensor leftSensor(PIN_LEFT_PING, PIN_LEFT_ECHO); PingSensor rightSensor(PIN_RIGHT_PING, PIN_RIGHT_ECHO); PingSensor frontSensor(PIN_FRONT_PING, PIN_FRONT_ECHO); //setup() runs once on powerup void setup() { pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_HALL_R_A, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_HALL_R_B, INPUT); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_HALL_R_A), rightup, RISING); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_HALL_R_A), rightdown, FALLING); pinMode(PIN_HALL_L_A, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_HALL_L_B, INPUT); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_HALL_L_A), leftup, RISING); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_HALL_L_A), leftdown, FALLING); //Begin serial communications Serial.begin(38400); Serial.println("Starting up..."); Serial.setTimeout(3);//Set timeout to 1 ms so parseInt doesnt wait forever after the last digit digitalWrite(13, HIGH);//Indicate we are running main loop by lighting onboard led delay(3000);;;; //This will allow robot to move without Matlab sending commands, //by holding hand in front of left and front sensors during startup if(leftSensor.distance() < 10 && frontSensor.distance() < 10 && rightSensor.distance() > 20) { incoming.right_speed = 70; incoming.left_speed = 90; } } // ToDo: Handle rollover uint32_t startTime; // This is main code loop, this code runs after setup() and repeats forever void loop() { digitalWrite(PIN_LED, !digitalRead(PIN_LED));//flash board led when signals are transceived //Avoid obstacles while commands are not being recieved while(!Serial.available()) { getRPS(); // Update RPS counters //Keep it moving straight forward, after the obstical avoidance block is left myBot.setSpeed(incoming.right_speed,255); delay(4); myBot.setSpeed(incoming.right_speed, incoming.left_speed); delay(10); ///Get distance on all sensors;;; //#define RANGE_SHORT 20 //#define RANGE_MED 25 //#define RANGE_LONG 30 //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Obstacal avoidance //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if(leftSensor.distance() < RANGE_SHORT && rightSensor.distance() > RANGE_SHORT && frontSensor.distance() > RANGE_MED) { myBot.setSpeed(-TURN_SPEED, TURN_SPEED); while(leftSensor.distance() < RANGE_SHORT && !Serial.available()) {; if(DEBUG) Serial.println("CASE1"); } } else if (rightSensor.distance() < RANGE_SHORT && leftSensor.distance() > RANGE_SHORT && frontSensor.distance() > RANGE_MED) { myBot.setSpeed(TURN_SPEED, -TURN_SPEED); while(rightSensor.distance() < RANGE_SHORT && !Serial.available()) {; if(DEBUG) Serial.println("CASE2"); } } else if (frontSensor.distance() < RANGE_MED && rightSensor.distance() > RANGE_SHORT && leftSensor.distance() > RANGE_SHORT) { myBot.setSpeed(0, -TURN_SPEED); while(frontSensor.distance() < RANGE_LONG && !Serial.available()) {; if(DEBUG) Serial.println("CASE3"); } } else if(frontSensor.distance() < RANGE_MED && rightSensor.distance() < RANGE_SHORT && leftSensor.distance() > RANGE_SHORT) { myBot.setSpeed(TURN_SPEED, -TURN_SPEED); while((frontSensor.distance() < RANGE_LONG || rightSensor.distance() < RANGE_MED) && !Serial.available()) {;; if(DEBUG) Serial.println("CASE4"); } } else if(frontSensor.distance() < RANGE_MED && leftSensor.distance() < RANGE_SHORT && rightSensor.distance() > RANGE_SHORT) { myBot.setSpeed(-TURN_SPEED, TURN_SPEED); while((frontSensor.distance() < RANGE_LONG || leftSensor.distance() < RANGE_MED) && !Serial.available()) {;; if(DEBUG) Serial.println("CASE5"); } } else if(frontSensor.distance() < RANGE_LONG && leftSensor.distance() < RANGE_MED && rightSensor.distance() < RANGE_MED) { myBot.setSpeed(-(TURN_SPEED-30), -TURN_SPEED); while((frontSensor.distance() < RANGE_LONG || leftSensor.distance() < RANGE_LONG || rightSensor.distance() < RANGE_LONG) && !Serial.available()) {;;; if(DEBUG) Serial.println("CASE6"); } } if(DEBUG) { printSensors(); printSpeed(); } }//end while Serial!Avail //Communicate with Matlab incoming.parseCommand();//Get command //Carry out command myBot.setSpeed(255, 255); delay(3); myBot.setSpeed(incoming.right_speed, incoming.left_speed); delay(10); //Send response printSensors(); //Refresh distances, in case a command immediately follows;;; } // Count hits on the hall sensor // Must be declared volatile, as they are modified in interrupt service routine (ISR) // ToDo: Handle rollover volatile int32_t count_right = 0; volatile int32_t count_left = 0; // Called on rising edge of PIN_HALL_R_A void rightup() { if(digitalRead(PIN_HALL_R_B)) // Work out direction of rotation count_right--; else count_right++; } // Called on rising edge of PIN_HALL_R_A void rightdown() { if(digitalRead(PIN_HALL_R_B)) // Work out direction of rotation count_right++; else count_right--; } // Called on rising edge of PIN_HALL_L_A void leftup() { if(digitalRead(PIN_HALL_L_B)) // Work out direction of rotation count_left--; else count_left++; } // Called on falling edge of PIN_HALL_L_A void leftdown() { if(digitalRead(PIN_HALL_L_B)) // Work out direction of rotation count_right++; else count_left--; } uint32_t lastCount_r = 0, lastCount_l = 0; int16_t rps_r = 0, rps_l = 0; uint32_t lastTime = 0; void getRPS() { uint32_t currentTime = micros(); // Update at 5Hz if(currentTime - lastTime < 200000) { // 200ms return; } // Calculate counts per second on hall sensor float cps_r = ((float)(count_right - lastCount_r)) / ((float)(currentTime - lastTime) / 1000000); float cps_l = ((float)(count_left - lastCount_l)) / ((float)(currentTime - lastTime) / 1000000); // Calculate rotations per second on output shaft rps_r = cps_r/480; rps_l = cps_l/480; lastTime = currentTime; lastCount_r = count_right; lastCount_l = count_left; } void printSensors() { Serial.print("Dist: [ "); Serial.print(leftSensor.distance()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(frontSensor.distance()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(rightSensor.distance()); Serial.println(" ]"); } void printSpeed() { Serial.print("RPS: < "); Serial.print(rps_l); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(rps_r); Serial.println(" >"); }