So I had some encoder code that was essentially lots of bits and pieces, and I decided to clean it all up into classes, etc so that it’s easier to incorporate into ‘Roomba’.
Here’s also a thread I started in the Arduino forum about it (may find useful lol).
Here’s the new version:
class Encoder{ private: int encoderPinA; //yellow wire int encoderPinB; //white wire int encoderPos = 0; int encoderPinALast = LOW; int n = LOW; public: Encoder (int pinA, int pinB){ encoderPinA = pinA; encoderPinB = pinB; pinMode(encoderPinA, INPUT); pinMode(encoderPinB, INPUT); } int limit(int lim){ //tells if the wheel has moved more than it's supposed to n = digitalRead(encoderPinA); if (((encoderPinALast == LOW) && (n == HIGH))) { if (digitalRead(encoderPinB) == LOW) { encoderPos--; } else { encoderPos++; } Serial.println(encoderPos); } encoderPinALast = n; //------ if(abs(encoderPos) < abs(lim)) { return 0; //false; it hasn't moved more than it's supposed to } else if(abs(encoderPos) > abs(lim)) { return 1; //true, it has reached/surpassed the limit } } }; Encoder right_enc(35, 34); Encoder left_enc(37, 36); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Starting up..."); } void loop() { left_enc.limit(200); }
And here’s the original:
/* Read Quadrature Encoder Connect Encoder to Pins encoder0PinA, encoder0PinB, and +5V. Sketch by max wolf / www.meso.net .... except it's been modified by yours truly :) v. 0.1 - very basic functions - mw 20061220 */ // 9/21/18 //motor A (right) int enA = 5; //enable A, pin 7 on the Motor Module int in1 = 42; //btw, this is mapping pins on the Motor Module (ie. the one labeled IN1) to pins on the Arduino (number 6) int in2 = 43; //motor B (left) int enB = 6; int in3 = 44; int in4 = 45; int right_speed; int left_speed; char SIDE; int valR; int encoderRPinA = 35; int encoderRPinB = 34; int encoderRPos = 0; int encoderRPinALast = LOW; int nR = LOW; //--------------------- int valL; int encoderLPinA = 37; //yellow int encoderLPinB = 36; //white int encoderLPos = 0; int encoderLPinALast = LOW; int nL = LOW; void setup() { pinMode (encoderRPinA, INPUT); pinMode (encoderRPinB, INPUT); pinMode (encoderLPinA, INPUT); pinMode (encoderLPinB, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(enA, OUTPUT); pinMode(in1, OUTPUT); pinMode(in2, OUTPUT); pinMode(enB, OUTPUT); pinMode(in3, OUTPUT); pinMode(in4, OUTPUT); //this sets it so that the robot is moving forward (ie. both wheels in same direction) digitalWrite(in1, LOW); digitalWrite(in2, HIGH); digitalWrite(in3, LOW); digitalWrite(in4, HIGH); } void loop() { nR = digitalRead(encoderRPinA); if (((encoderRPinALast == LOW) && (nR == HIGH))) { if (digitalRead(encoderRPinB) == LOW) { encoderRPos--; } else { encoderRPos++; } // Serial.println(encoderRPos); } //------------------------------ nL = digitalRead(encoderLPinA); if (((encoderLPinALast == LOW) && (nL == HIGH))) { if (digitalRead(encoderLPinB) == LOW) { encoderLPos--; } else { encoderLPos++; } // Serial.println(encoderLPos); } if(abs(encoderRPos) < abs(475)) { analogWrite(enB, 90); //Serial.println("hooray!"); } else if(abs(encoderRPos) > abs(475)) { analogWrite(enB, 0); // Serial.println("boo!"); } encoderRPinALast = nR; //------------------------------------------ if(abs(encoderLPos) < 475) { analogWrite(enA, 90); } else if(abs(encoderLPos) > 475) { analogWrite(enA, 0); } encoderLPinALast = nL; //analogWrite(enA, 50); //analogWrite(enB, 50); }