Warning: this printer is slow. 🙂
If you would like to know more about 3D printing in general: https://www.instructables.com/id/3D-Printing-Basics/
Correct Printer Settings
Note: we’re printing in PLA. Right now, it looks like 30 degrees for the bed and 205 degrees for the extruder works best.
CURA Settings
[Coming attraction]
Printing from Existing File
Make sure the printer is plugged in (yellow-taped wire)
Turn on the 3D printer (button is on back)
Scroll to “Print” using the scroll/button thing. Press the button.
Select file you would like to print
Changing Filament
[coming attraction]
I Want to Print Something I Found on Thingiverse
Download and setup CURA. (Make sure your setting are for this printer: the Monoprice MP Select Mini V2).
Download the file from Thingiverse (not the gcode one).
Grab the miniSD card adapter taped to the white-tower + the miniSD card in the right-side of the printer (make sure nothing is printing when you do this!)
Put the miniSD in the adapter, and stick the adapter in the computer
Arrange the part as you would like on the bed using CURA, and then save to the (mini)SD card. (You should get a gcode file).
Put the miniSD back in the printer and then please tape the adapter on the printer again.
Print it! 🙂