3D Printer Troubleshooting

3D Printer being called out: 3914’s very own Monoprice MP Mini

Format: Issue and Resolution. Let’s get started!

Extruder Isn’t Working!

There are two possible issues: Heat Creep or Wonky Parts. (Aptly named by yours truly).

Step one: Check for Wonky Parts


Is the golden nozzle-thingy touching the silver-metal heat sink? Or is it off to the side, and you can see the


filament coming out of it? If it’s the latter, you have a classic case of Wonky Parts. Try to screw the golden-nozzle thingy back in so that the filament actually extrudes. (You may need to pull some filament out first).

Note: There are no actual screw threads, just a teensy set screw to hold this thing in place. It might take a couple of tries…

Step two: You probably have Heat Creep. 🙁

Here’s what to do: Grab a piece of wire (like the regular stuff). Strip off about an inch+, and then use a wire-cutter to make as sharp a point as possible (ex. >45 degree angle). Unscrew the golden nozzle thingy. Push the button at the top of the white tower so that you can pull out the filament as much as possible from up top. Do not use enough force to actually break the filament inside the tubing. If nothing else comes, grab a pair of pliers and pull the filament out from the nozzle. It should be melty and weird at the end. Stick the wire carefully in the same hole; the goal is to clean it out. It’s kind of like swabbing your ears? Try to get some filament to stick, and then pull it out. Use the wire cutter to pull it off the wire if just your nails don’t work. Repeat until the top area is mostly cleaned out. Now the sharp point comes in handy: stick it all the way until the extruder nozzle. Try to shove all the extra filament out. Great! Now go through the regular process of changing filament.

First-Layer Adherence

Make sure the bed is covered in blue tape (no overlaps, no uncovered areas); if it is covered, set the Bed temperature to 0 degrees. (It will read “30” and “Preheat off” after you finish). The extruder temperature should be somewhere in the 185 to 205 degree range. I use 205.

NOTE: Do not go higher, otherwise you’ll get heat-creep, which is not fun. 😐

If it still isn’t sticking, adjust the (metal) plate-height using the screws+springs on each corner of the Bed. Loosen to raise, tighten to lower. Continue until it’s even (iPhone compass→ screen2 is useful), and you get a nice, smooshed layer of filament when you print. 🙂 If all else fails, consult the internet: https://www.matterhackers.com/articles/how-to-succeed-when-printing-in-pla

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