CAD v4


So I redesigned the robot again. and I failed… /sigh

Here’s a quick picture of the CAD model:

You’ll note that I’ve removed the room for the back sensors. It makes the robot smaller, and moves the wheels further towards the back, so the robot lean distinctly forwards (so it doesn’t move like a chicken). This also removes room for the back sensors… but I’m not using them in the code anyway.

A Few pictures of the build:

Okay I thought it turned out looking SUPER CUTE (and reliable). Here’s a full-blown pic of the front view:

Continue reading “CAD v4”

Some Notes on CAD


Here are some notes that might prove useful:

  • I’m using OnShape, an online CAD software. I’ve got a free student account (which I think means 10 private “documents”), but there are also other free accounts available (no “private” documents–only public ones).
  • The OnShape document of my current CAD can be found here.
    • To see dimensions, please right-click the “sketch” from the sidebar and choose “show dimensions”. The units are in inches–but please note that some of these are incorrect; refer to this post for notes on upcoming/needed changes.
  • Often, people have already created CAD files you need. One of my go-to’s to search for such things is a website called Thingiverse. (This is where I found the Ultrasonic sensor holders).

This is all I can think of for now, but I’ll update as needed.

Have a good day!

3204 3D Printer: Test Print

Hello friends!

There is a new 3D printer in town! Located in room 3204, this super-cool piece of equipment is a MakerBot Replicator and prints using 1.75mm PLA.

Ideal Settings

(as extrapolated from the example print settings)

Layer height: .2mm
Infill: 10%
Shells: 2
Support: [more on this later]
Raft: generally suggested
Temperature: 215 degrees Celcius
Material: PLA
Transfer data via: USB

Continue reading “3204 3D Printer: Test Print”

CAD v2 + Preliminary Schematic


The bottom plate is emphasized here, and the holes along the perimeter are for the HC-SR04 Sensor holders; they will be bolted in. Looking at the bottom view, the four holes in the center are for attachment via spacers to the top plate; this top plate is visible as the gray. Since I didn’t CAD in the spacers, this top plate in the CAD is laying directly atop the bottom one. The large rectangular prisms on either side are stand-ins for the two batteries.

I intend to modify the current designs by adding appropriate holes for wire management in the top plate. This will likely be a second redesign, though. Finally, these plates will be cut out of 3mm-thick plywood via a Laser-Cutter.

Continue reading “CAD v2 + Preliminary Schematic”

The Reboot


I inherited this project a few years after its owners left Mason. Originally, I had only a physical robot, but I later gained access to the previous owners’ final code, and some limited documentation.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the original robot (yes, it’s a PDF): Original Robot_Taken Apart

So this is the original design, and my CAD and subsequent designs are coming soon!